Villa Iris
Offers in the region of €340,000 euro - Price Reduced January 2025
In the attractive town of Capo Vaticano, five minutes from the renowned beach of Grotticelle, we are happy to offer you, Villa Iris.
This property is divided into two apartments and is spread over two floors with a 1500 m2 garden, large guest house and garage.
It has a total floor area of 215 m2.
The ground floor consists of a large terrace, entrance hall, hallway, living room with fireplace, three bedrooms, kitchen and bathroom
The first floor has an entrance hall, living room with fireplace, three bedrooms, bathroom, kitchenette and large terrace.
#villairis #iris #capovaticano #faro #lighthouse #calabria #windrushalliance
€ 340.000